Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The 'Oprah said' rebuttal

Man Law Mondays...on Tuesday! Since Oprah (or whoever wrote this crap) has so much to say to women about Men, I figured I'd respond... "If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away." False. A man may want you, but if you keep pushing him away, not show enough interest, or otherwise build walls too high for him to climb, he'll let you go. Some of us Men have better things to do with our time than chase your unavailable behind. "Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy." Life IS change. The older you get, the more your thinking changes. What you love today, you'll like tomorrow and hate a week from now. Finding yourself is a lifelong process. It's more fun when you find someone to go through it with you. "Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later." Games, games, games. Too many woman try and snag a man without telling him the truth about who she is. This is fraud aka the old 'bait and switch. ' If a man wants to be with you, then let him choose to be with YOU, i.e. the real you, not the you he thinks he knows. If you're not upfront with certain things, you're setting the relationship up to fail. "Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are." Why not? Women always want a man to put her on a pedestal, but God forbid he require the same treatment! There is nothing wrong with putting someone's needs before your own, especially when you love the person. Is this an invitation to be treated poorly? Not at all. But to adhere to this statement is selfish in nature and not truly conducive to a healthy relationship. "A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you." False. I don't care how a woman conducts herself. If a man doesn't respect women, you can't make him respect you. Respect yourself and no man will make a fool out of you! "A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. Look for someone complimentary... not supplementary." *Snoring loudly* Look. If you believe this, you'll literally be waiting 'til your death bed to be with someone. Like I said before, change is constant. If you're constantly changing, at what point are you whole? Perfection resides in the heavens... "Make him miss you sometimes... When a man always knows where you are, and you're always readily available to him, he takes it for granted." AGAIN with the games! Why does anyone get married?? According to this logic, if you live with him, he'll take you for granted and you'll never be truly appreciated. Knock it off! A Man that really cares wants to know where the woman he loves is going to be and who she's going to be with. If he couldn't care less, consider that a red flag. "Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need." Everything huh? When the clouds part, the heavens open, and you see a Man dressed in white, flying down on his white horse, with a crown on his head, that's when you'll find the Man that'll give you everything. Until then, good luck with the single life! MAN LAW!!! J. Delia

Monday, September 2, 2013

Man or mouse...which one are YOU?

Man Law Mondays is back!

Chick: OMG I just love the 49ers.
Chump: You too?? Girl what you know bout them 9ers!?!

Chick: My favorite foods are sushi and spicy Thai.
Chump: Stop playing...you don't like Thai food and sushi. I eat those all the time!!

Chick: I am such a shopaholic! It's sad, lol.
Chump: Woman you have got to be kidding me?!? I STAY up in the mall! I swear we must've been twins in a past life or something because we just have too much in common. It's crazy!

My man. You're a Raiders fan with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, an allergy to fish, who hates shopping. You do, however, manage to drink an entire bottle bottle of SIMP Juice every morning.
What kind of grown Man agrees with everything a woman says and does? The answer is simple: he doesn't. Man up sucka! As creative as God is, he aint never created a woman so fine that she'd turn a real Man into a chump.
Put your big boy pants on. Speak your mind. Tell it like it is and not how she want it to be. Do it and thank me later...


(Thanks to my dude Adam aka "Thirsty cuz" for the inspiration)