Monday, September 2, 2013

Man or mouse...which one are YOU?

Man Law Mondays is back!

Chick: OMG I just love the 49ers.
Chump: You too?? Girl what you know bout them 9ers!?!

Chick: My favorite foods are sushi and spicy Thai.
Chump: Stop don't like Thai food and sushi. I eat those all the time!!

Chick: I am such a shopaholic! It's sad, lol.
Chump: Woman you have got to be kidding me?!? I STAY up in the mall! I swear we must've been twins in a past life or something because we just have too much in common. It's crazy!

My man. You're a Raiders fan with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, an allergy to fish, who hates shopping. You do, however, manage to drink an entire bottle bottle of SIMP Juice every morning.
What kind of grown Man agrees with everything a woman says and does? The answer is simple: he doesn't. Man up sucka! As creative as God is, he aint never created a woman so fine that she'd turn a real Man into a chump.
Put your big boy pants on. Speak your mind. Tell it like it is and not how she want it to be. Do it and thank me later...


(Thanks to my dude Adam aka "Thirsty cuz" for the inspiration)