Monday, June 3, 2013

Pics up, (Man) Cards down

Man Law Mondays:

Social media, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., are part of nearly every humans life these days. Even if you're not on one, you're probably talking about something happening on one of these sites. It's the world we live in. It's how many people communicate. So what's this got to do with Man Law?

There is something that's (effeminately) called "selfies" going on in the social media world. People posting either profile pics or just random pics of themselves for all to see. There's nothing wrong with putting a face to the name on the profile. It's called identification. BUT...

No grown Man has any business engaging in excessive "selfies" posting! What are you doing laying your grown behind down in the bed, posing, taking pictures of yourself  for anyway!?! I mean seriously son, what in the world of estrogen and lilac scented bathrooms has possessed you to go and start taking picture after worthless Man Card demoting picture?

Please don't say its for "the ladies" either. What woman in her right mind wants some greasy lipped clown, taking cloudy-filtered pictures of himself anyway? Come on son!!

Bottom line: Keep your self portraits to a minimum. Leave the fried chicken eating, glossy lipped, duck face, over filtered, glamour shots to the ladies!


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