Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Man Law Mondays:

Today I've chosen to rant about something that I've addressed recently but apparently needs to be gone over a little more thoroughly. This subject has worked my nerves like Massa, is we a gonna be ok! I'm talking about this online simpin' and illegitate sympathy speak!

#1 A Man needs to be a MAN! Own up to your mistakes and responsibilities! You have no business getting on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media outlet trying to win votes like Obama vs Romney. You aint no doggone politician chump! Who's support are you trying to win and why?? How about you grow up and be a responsible father, a faithful husband, and an upright Man, and cut out all that manipulation you spew with each word you speak and each gesture you make...UGH! Clowns like that digust me...

#2 PLEASE STOP being an e-simp for all these women. No woman that's worth a dime wants a man who's a phoney, oh baby youre so beautiful, your eyes sparkle like Orions belt type dude that really don't want anything but your panties and no committemnt. Leave these Boost Mobile, Metro PCS, no contract type cats alone!!

All you 'Men' who have violated these Laws...feel free to take a long walk off a short cliff... MAN LAW!!!

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