Monday, May 20, 2013

Hands down, Man's down!

Man Law Mondays:

 This past weekend I saw something that disturbed me deep down in my Man spirit. I saw something something so wicked in the eyes of Man that I was perplexed as to how I would cite this particular Law. Reader beware: the story I am about to tell is not for the faint of heart...

 I'm at my nephews track meet Saturday, enjoying the festivities and conversing with my peoples. Out of nowhere, my eyes were raped with a most heinous act! I saw a woman standing next to her man as they both leaned against a fence watching a race. She gently placed her arm around his back. Then her hand slooowly slides down his back to......his butt cheek. The worst is yet to come, smh. THEN, she ever so gently moves her hand from the booty cheek...(Lord give me strength to tell this story) the lower portion of her man's butt crack MAAAAN!!! I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Pineapples! PINE-APPLES MAN!!

 What part of the game is this?!?

 The cold part is my man didn't even flinch!! He just took it as if it were his next breath, all in stride like "I've been here before." Do I REALLY need to explain this Men? At NO time should a woman's hand approach your hind parts...NO TIME!! And she shouldn't even be allowed to THINK of putting her doggone fingers anywhere near your dook shoot!!

 Here's a Public Service Announcement for all women: If you do this to your dude and he doesn't IMMEDIATELY raise up with righteous indignation and condemn you to the doldrums of solitude to prevent himself from knocking you silly, please know your dude likes dudes and you better head for the hills like your name is Chicken Little because the sky is falling!! MAN LAW!!!

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