Monday, April 29, 2013

You smell me!!

There is no violation in a Man taking care of himself. You can keep the hair cut right, the clothes laundered, the beard trimmed, and smell good all you want. I like to consider myself a lightweight connoisseur of all things related to smelling good. Be clean playa!

BUT when you decide to start dippin' into your girls' stash of lotions and potions and soaps and other estro-centric cleansing products and smell good good items, please know you are in violation! I mean for real son...what would be the reason for some robust, hairy chested, bass in the voice having Man to be smellin' like flowers and candy! Get your mind right MAN!

After you shower and shave, you either put on cologne or aftershave that poppo! Step out smelling like leather, musk, and the forest or you dont step out at all!!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Henpecked man...

Man Law Monday:

Henpecked 1. browbeaten,bullied,or intimidated by one's wife: a henpecked husband who never dared to contradict his wife.


 This may be the most sad Man Law ever passed. Men, if you find yourself 'henpecked' by your woman, know that your violation of Man Law is most heinous. Never, and from the bottom of Man Soul do I mean EVER, should a man get punked by a woman. If she has a gun...count up the cost of your funeral! But for the love of all that is man, PLEASE go out like one! If you choose to go out like a sucka, there is no citation for this crime. The shame you live with is punishment enough...

Man Law.

My Man BZ with sound bite...

You hungry bro...?

Man Law Monday:

Man 1: Dude I'm hungry. Lemme get a bite of your sandwich.
Man 2: Oh, no problem. Open wide...!

bros dont feed bros


Spanish - violación
Italian -violazione
German - verletzung
Japanese - Ihan
Chinese - Wéifǎn
Hindi - Ullanghana...

No matter where you are in the world or what language you are speaking feeding another man is a MAJOR violation!! If ya boy is hungry, by all means feed him. But if you DARE put food in your hands and bring it near his mouth there will be no dungeon dark enough to put you in!! I mean if your own son is above the age of 3 years old you better break him off a piece of whatever food and HAND IT TO HIM!! Oh, and this goes for sharing drinks with the same straw and bowls of anything with the same or different utensils...please don't get caught somewhere sharing a sundae wit' ya homies!!


My man BZ with the sound bite...

What are YOU watching???

Man Law Monday:

Movies can be an awesome experience. There's nothing like sitting in a theater and allowing the images on the screen make love to your eyes and mind for a couple of hours. There's action, adventure, suspense, thrillers, sci-fi, comedy, romance.......ROMANCE???

Maaaaaaan if you don't get yo Don Juan, flowers and candy, poetry in the park, candle lit dinners, and long walks on the beach lookin' behind outta here!!!

Men, there are some movies that you need to just pass on. Now for the sake of the women in our lives we've all had to sit through testosterone stealing movies like The Notebook and Fried Green Tomatoes.

 But under no circumstances should you eagerly anticipate romantic movies of any sort. And for the love of ALL that is called MAN don't you dare be caught dead seeing one of those movies with another man. As a matter of fact, if you get caught in the concessions line behind another man, shun the very appearance of evil and move to another line!!

FYI Men, Tyler 'Toilet Paper' Perry and his Man hatin', testosterone killin', we love all things woman, two snaps in a circle, neck rollin' movies are a cinematic Man Law violation.

Tell your woman she can have a 'girls night out' and don't you be lured into that Man Trap. You'll come out dressed like Madea singing 'I'm Every Woman'!! Smh...


My Man BZ with the sound bite...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Real Men keep it private...

Man Law Monday:

 "Man...I'm really going through it right now. Wifey is trippin!"

 "I'm going through a divorce right now. I just don't know what I'm gonna do...."

 "Pray for me. I'm dealing with some marital problems and I need yall to lift me up right now."
My 'Child please! Are you serious right now??" face...

Grown men ain't got no kinda business airing out personal or relationship issues via social media! That's childish and feminine dude. I don't care if your wife is meaner than a hungry pit bull with rabies and she looks like one! Don't you dare take your scorned he-motions on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and start begging for love and sympathy. You'll get none from the world of Men.

 You keep your personal business to the privacy of your own circle of people...real people, not your e-peoples that you only communicate with online! If you happen to catch one of your boys doing this, IMMEDIATELY issue him a citation. This is a chumps behavior and MANkind won't stand for it. Besides, only a sucka begs for love and sympathy. A real Man earns love and has no need for sympathy!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

The satchel, a.k.a the "man-purse"

The satchel or better known for it's endearing term as the "man-purse". Complex in it's understanding. Useful in it's purpose. Controversial in it's use. Does the man purse ever supersede the need of wallet? As we see Zach Galifianakis in Warner Bro. Pictures "The Hangover" the heated debate was immediately brought to the forefront. Satchels are much like there distant cousins the ever masculine saddle bag.

But these very same symbols of mandom, if not properly considered and implemented, can bring out the foolishness of our ways. As seen here:

So the question that is up; is it a violation towards way of the man or is it just misunderstood. As Zach's character 'Alan' put it, "It's where I keep all my things..... Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel.  .....Indiana Jones wears one"    

Indiana Jones truly was 'the man'. Was his satchel?

  ...Which brings up another interesting debate; is there room for the 'fanny pack'?

                                                                    (Hulk Hogan)