Thursday, April 18, 2013

The satchel, a.k.a the "man-purse"

The satchel or better known for it's endearing term as the "man-purse". Complex in it's understanding. Useful in it's purpose. Controversial in it's use. Does the man purse ever supersede the need of wallet? As we see Zach Galifianakis in Warner Bro. Pictures "The Hangover" the heated debate was immediately brought to the forefront. Satchels are much like there distant cousins the ever masculine saddle bag.

But these very same symbols of mandom, if not properly considered and implemented, can bring out the foolishness of our ways. As seen here:

So the question that is up; is it a violation towards way of the man or is it just misunderstood. As Zach's character 'Alan' put it, "It's where I keep all my things..... Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel.  .....Indiana Jones wears one"    

Indiana Jones truly was 'the man'. Was his satchel?

  ...Which brings up another interesting debate; is there room for the 'fanny pack'?

                                                                    (Hulk Hogan)

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