Thursday, April 25, 2013

What are YOU watching???

Man Law Monday:

Movies can be an awesome experience. There's nothing like sitting in a theater and allowing the images on the screen make love to your eyes and mind for a couple of hours. There's action, adventure, suspense, thrillers, sci-fi, comedy, romance.......ROMANCE???

Maaaaaaan if you don't get yo Don Juan, flowers and candy, poetry in the park, candle lit dinners, and long walks on the beach lookin' behind outta here!!!

Men, there are some movies that you need to just pass on. Now for the sake of the women in our lives we've all had to sit through testosterone stealing movies like The Notebook and Fried Green Tomatoes.

 But under no circumstances should you eagerly anticipate romantic movies of any sort. And for the love of ALL that is called MAN don't you dare be caught dead seeing one of those movies with another man. As a matter of fact, if you get caught in the concessions line behind another man, shun the very appearance of evil and move to another line!!

FYI Men, Tyler 'Toilet Paper' Perry and his Man hatin', testosterone killin', we love all things woman, two snaps in a circle, neck rollin' movies are a cinematic Man Law violation.

Tell your woman she can have a 'girls night out' and don't you be lured into that Man Trap. You'll come out dressed like Madea singing 'I'm Every Woman'!! Smh...


My Man BZ with the sound bite...

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